April 28, 2020

Company culture dictates how a company functions. Furthermore, having a positive company culture holds great importance with workers.

To improve your company’s culture, start by looking at what your business is lacking. Perhaps you should take it to your employees to decide what they need to thrive in the workplace. An anonymous suggestion box will allow your employees to be transparent.

All companies can benefit from a positive culture; whether you’re a small start-up or one of the largest companies in the world. Here are five amazing benefits of building a positive company culture in your workplace.

Employee retention

Employing a new worker takes time. In fact, according to The Society for Human Resource Management, it takes 42 days to fill a position. This time includes countless hours of advertising, interviewing, and training the new employee.

Retaining valuable employee talent eliminates this burden on the company. A positive company culture keeps employees happy, and happy workers foster employee retention. It makes complete sense; those who feel happy at work will be more likely to keep a job than those who do not.

Employee recruitment

Following on from the benefit above, if your company has an excellent culture, the news will spread. Having a good reputation within your business will attract new employees outside of your company. This will give you the competitive advantage your company may need to climb the ranks.

Promotes good health

Believing a stressful workplace will push employees to perform at their best is primitive thinking.

Organise activities where your employees can improve their health and have fun at the same time. Provide employees with opportunities to keep fit while hard at work. Standing desks or Swiss ball chairs are great options.

As well as physical health, it’s essential to recognise the value of mental health as well. Offer employee wellness programs so workers can get the support they need.

Small businesses are especially dependent on employee health. Make sure your employees know their health and wellbeing is valued. Healthier employees mean there will be less of a need to take a day off.

Enhances teamwork

Employees should feel comfortable around one another. Comfortable enough to work together and alongside each other.

Build a workplace that values collaboration. Build social connections by incorporating team outings and activities into your workday.

Employee-to-employee relationships are essential to ensure the smooth running of a business. But, so is the relationship between a boss and an employee. Younger workers who have recently entered the workforce tend to prefer their boss to act more like a mentor to them. Bridge the divide between employee hierarchy by guiding your employees. Provide resources to better their workflow. Ensure they are in a position where they’re comfortable asking for help.

Boosts productivity

How can you expect a business to perform well when employees are not happy? Research shows happier employees are 12% more productive in the workplace. While this statistic should not come as a shock to you, it goes to show happiness in the workplace is conducive to productivity.

So, we know that happier employees lead to higher levels of productivity. But how does this help your business? Higher productivity advances your company’s sales, profit, and revenue. It’s a win-win situation.

A business model that focusses on employee health and wellbeing is pivotal for the success of a modern-day business. Set your company apart from the rest and lead your employees by example.